Teacher Appreciation Day
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.~Henry Brooks Adams
For those of us fortunate enough to have the privilege of an education, teachers have played an instrumental role in shaping each of us and bringing forth the potential of generations. Teachers impact all of our futures, and every profession on Earth. Seldom are they ever acknowledged for the tremendous efforts they pour forth. We know the impact you make. Everyday!
Mrs. Dimenstein's third graders at HIES in Atlanta today shared some thoughts on the impact of this project. "I enjoyed seeing all the happy faces and being able to share our love." "I Loved Everything, every single thing." " I liked how we got to know each other by our artwork and poems. Now we are like a big family." "I liked the feeling of being able to bring joy and happiness." We are awed to witness the sparks you ignite, and the wildfires of inspiration transforming the human family. We are honored to work with – side-by-side and heart-by-heart- the over 75 educators participating in the 2009-2010 global exchanges. We appreciate you; today and always!