spring 2020
Food: Who Are Your Farmers?
Our Spring Exchange turn our focus from our interconnectedness in human stories to the environment. We will take a deeper look at something we all share on Earth, our connection to the environment through food.
Give a comparative context of how culture, geography and climate influence food.
Deepen consciousness on where food comes from-the process from farm to table.
Increase critical thinking across disciplines seen through lens of environment, culture, health, government, culture and ethics.
Collaborate cross-culturally in sharing environmental solutions to challenges.
Utilize creativity in communication of message for Earth stewardship.
Recognize interdependence and interconnectivity for food.
Beyond Old McDonald On The Farm: Looking Through Different Lens
How does culture influence what we eat?
How does the media influence what we eat?
Geographic/Environmental lens
How do we get our needs meet in a way that is destroying everything, but more harmonious and regenerative to our local ecosystems?
Environmental impact of food topics: Deforestation, Chemicals/pesticides, Water usage, Transportation, Overfishing
Governmental/economic lens of food
Policies and subsidies, Trade tariffs, Who controls water- watersheds
Land ownership
The challenges of small farmers making a living growing food
For the first time in history people are overeating (2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese), while others are still starving. What creates this disparity?
How does the diet of poverty different from the diet of affluence?
How are our choices impacting our health and the health of the planet?
Essential Questions
What are you eating? Is it in season?
Who are your farmers?
Where is your food grown? -Local, cross continental, international
What is community supported agriculture?
What does the farm look like?
How is it grown?- Organic versus inorganic; cages or free range
What does it take to get from the farm to your table? How many people are connected to your food?
Can food be medicinal?
What are family traditions you have around food? What are cultural influences on food?
What the World Eats, Peter Menzel
Put the sound on mute, but good slide show of what families eat around the world. Menzel is the author of Hungry Planet, What the World Eats.