Service-Colored Glasses

When we met with the 2nd graders at St. Andrew’s School, for the second time, they were being refreshed on the topic of Citizens of The World lead by Mrs. Beckman and Mrs. Keine. We were struck with how easily these little ones filled the board with the many ways they can help others, their school, their community and the environment. There was no shortage of examples, and this was not a case of one or two students providing all the answers. This is a true reflection of a community oriented and minded school, whose foundation is so obviously filled with kind-hearted and giving families. The needs of others very clearly fill their collective consciousness. As they got to the drawings, they each choose what they loved the most, or the way in which they could be active citizens of the world. They colored in glasses with their views of the world, and what they see as needing their attention. The images in the sunglasses were of beautiful places, interesting animals, and positive actions. Inside, letters began with Even though we are continents apart, we can all do our part to take care of the world and our community. We can help take care of the world by… picking up trash, taking care of our environment, recycling trash to make something new, saving animals, and helping our neighbors and strangers and others in need. Jasper shared, "I can donate blankets and food."  Isabella added, "giving clothes and toys to others."


Smiles filled the faces in Emma's 3A classroom at EP Primary Ho-Bankoe as the students there received their own personal letters from America.  As Kelvin as shared many times this exchange, he is moved by the depth of what these children are sharing. The same profound statements were shared in this open-aired classroom as in Savannah.  In Ghana, the classes often work together to share what they want to express. This helps in the translation of ideas from Ewe to English, and ensures everyone is following with some variances in cross-cultural expression. This class writes, We are children of the world and we have a duty to take care of our community and our neighbours. We are the lifeline of the future.

We are so honored to do this work and to see through the lens of children. What we focus on, and how we see the challenges before us, shapes the future. We share their heartfelt sentiments... although we are far apart, this exchange has brought us closer, and we are doing our part in the world, joyfully.

