Rich Colorful Gifts

If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.” – Margaret Mead

To watch the children use all the vibrant colors we bring is like observing a child in America opening an unexpected treasure on Christmas morning. The child’s whole being lifts, as does the one giving the color. Veronica’s EP P5 students began quietly choosing their favorite india ink, and meticulously outlining their creations. Some maintained this reverence, as if in honor of a sacred gift, while others quickly took to the splattering. It was a color explosion by the end of it all, and brightly colored papers are now complete for their friends at Galloway School in Atlanta.

In Emma’s P3 classroom, the excitement was a little more contained. Their eyes filled with the same wonder as they viewed Picasso’s Hands with Flowers and the Springdale Elementary students’ own unique replicas of friendship offerings. The room was very focused, and the diversity and creations were as rich as any we have seen.

Mrs. Evans CT Walker handprints wreath and letters brightened Dzidefo’s room, an expecting mother being challenged this morning with a queasy stomach. The messages were shared and translated for these little ones. Parker shares, “Friendship means to be helpful and nice.” Joyden shares, “Friendship means to stick together.” "Friendship means having company," according to Jackson, while Akenzie believes it is cooperating. We have observed all of these forms of friendship and more.

We completed the final projects for our time in Ghana with the EP Leaders, as they put the final colorful touches on their letters and murals for St. Andrew’s School 7th & 8th graders. Steve Chinn shared some of his own color with enyakpo photographs from his gallery. It has been a true gift to Children Inspiring Hope to have his talent capture the beauty of these children and these colorful exchanges!

As we make our way back to the United States next week, we are entering the holiday season where splattering of lights and color will fill winter landscapes. Some will reflect in silent reverence under snow covered vistas. Wreaths will be hung welcoming visitors for jubilant gatherings, and the spirit of giving- and human potential- will abound. The spirit of giving has already been felt here, even though the heat challenges our senses as to the season. The children of the United States have given the gift of friendship; the richest of gifts to be cherished in memories for years to come, magical moments now being the stories they reminisce on when they are older. Remember those generous Americans who came all that way to see us, bringing us gifts of our friends and all that color, color!? May the power of this giving continue to find a fitting place in your hearts. May you know the true spirit of all seasons, and the rich gift of friendships with no borders.