Putting the Peaces Together
I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. – Helen Keller
This week the children were putting the pieces of their projects together, and in the process, creating an understanding that bringeth peace. We have a shared humanity on this earth, common threads in the vibrant tapestry that is being woven as favorite things are shared, and their paths become more connected. These children know, live and teach it. We believe- without doubt- that this generation will transform, reconnect and heal the earth for us all. All we have to do is put our attention with them, and attune to the messages they are calling out.
The projects this week- peace flags, peace puzzles, peace murals, peace games, necklaces, books of favorites, and messages of peace in letters. The Vail Mountain School peace flags now adorn the back of the electric green P4 classroom at EP Sokode Bagble, infusing their values and messages of peace as the wind blows. We facilitated a warm-up discussion about how we create peace with the leaders group at EP Primary. Their responses included cooperation, friendship, helping each other, by loving each other, respect one another, kindness, honesty, truthfulness, and working hard. They then exhibited this understanding while collaborating on putting the pieces of peace puzzles from St. Andrew’s School 3rd graders together. The P2 students’ sweet giggles filled the room as they viewed the photos of their friends at Holy Innocents’ that made their necklaces; Heart People still spread about the room from the last connection!
Hear their calls. Fred’s voice speaks, “The World Become One- One day the waters will dry to one side of the world and all the dry lands will become one and their will be peace all over the world... the world will become one.” Akpene says, “Remember, we are a circle, within a circle, with no beginning, and never ending.” James at Prince of Peace shares that this is also his favorite song. Esther shares her hopes, “We don’t want no war! No war! My wish is someday all the people that are bad will stop and they will make Peace on Earth.” Grace adds, “People come, lets unite. “