Ohhh, the anticipation

A little over a week ago I was handed the projects from a parent at Holy Innocence, on an early morning at Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital in the school room we volunteer in. As I walked through one of the best Children’s Hospitals in the US, I couldn’t help but think about the contrast I will soon be experiencing as we walk through the Children’s Ward at Ho Municipal Hospital in Ho, Ghana. As she passed the completed projects on, she mentioned that Mrs. Brown’s fourth graders had been eagerly asking her, and anticipating a response to their questions daily, “Did you give them to Ms. Amy yet… and how did she like what we created?” I can tell each child in Mrs. Brown’s fourth grade, and in all of the schools and groups, I am in awe at your creativity and the beauty you are passing on to your new friends in West Africa. Very, very well done!! For the volunteers on this trip, we are anticipating an amazing journey and have nearly pinched ourselves this cold morning that we are about to board the flight to Accra, Ghana. For Nicholas, the filmmaker with us, this is his first trip to Africa.  A dream of his is coming true! For Whitney, this is her first time back in nearly three years. She awaits the joy and love that can only be experienced when you reunite with a land, and students and you have longed for since you departed. As all the bags got packed, and we juggled to fit the maximum weight limit that we can carry, excitement and wonder began to replace to intense focus on all the details to make this happen.  Seeing all the brilliance of the colorful projects and art supplies, medical supplies, and filming equipment … I am humbled and honored that transport these kind gestures of friendship, healing and peace to a land a people I love so deeply. I anticipate the joy that you all will create, and watching dreams come true. We are on our way!

In Ghana, we know that there is also anticipation for our arrival.

Fall Exchange 2008admin