Members of 501... and beyond
In the next building, Dear Mother Earth Letters have been delivered to Ms. Green’s 4th graders. The usual positive comments and connections are made: “Their handwriting is good”, but more so, "I love the creativity of their art.” Groups huddle, some reading ever so carefully, while others overflowing with exuberance in sharing with delight the creativity. The similarities are discussed on taking care of the environment, as well as, some of the different needs. Their letters connect them in many ways, and bring thinking globally, yet acting locally, to life.
Does this impact their global view and compassion towards others and the Earth? Don’t take our word for it, here are some of their feedback survey comments:
“I feel so much sympathy for other people in other countries that are not as fortunate as ours. I will definitely do a lot more to help people in the world. One connection can …really inspire you to be accepting to deal with other cultures and to realize that YOU are fortunate and you can help and communicate.” – Aaron
“Yes, because I feel that I made them happy by sending them projects , and they made me happy by sending projects.” – Christopher “Children Inspiring Hope is special to me because I get to communicate to people across the globe and get to know that it isn’t just paper we’re sending back and forth. One connection can… change the way you look at life.” - Sam “Children Inspiring Hope is special to me because I get the chance to find out about other places and what they do there. It lets me connect and it brings our the good qualities in everyone. One connection can… change the way I see things. I see the world as a different places, and everybody is connected.” - Sydney