Going with the flow...

Exams are going on, which no one apparently thought to share with us before today. We are looking to get a ton accomplished and completed in a short amount of time due to the unexpected holiday, and now exams. It was a go with the flow kind of day, so we did out best readjusting, capturing some of the cultural shots, rescheduling, setting final meetings and checking on Eyram. We could not be happier to report that she is making great improvement, the swelling is down, and we feel confident she will be fine.

Oglethorpe Charter School is near complete. The maps were passed on today, with the final letters that were remaining. We have the letters still to pick up from P5 & P6, but they were taking exams, so we will return again tomorrow. The kids were back and forth, calling out “Madam, madam”, eager to make sure they all got to participate. They have created some nice Ghana maps for you all.

The Kate’s Clubs drawings were passed on today to RC Girls School. You should see the excitement on the kids face when they learn that the projects, whether they are letters, drawings, bracelets or maps are theirs to keep. They light up and often leap into the air.

We have two and half school days left, and will be completing for St. Andrews School, Barnwell Elementary, and Summit Charter School. All other exchanges with the schools are complete! We are still waiting on election results; it is a very close race and there appears to be the possibility of a “second round” as our friend Dise said.

Fall Exchange 2008admin