Full Circle in Augusta

Stevens Creek Elementary

We began the day with the 1st grade class at Stevens Creek Elementary receiving notes of thanks from the Prince of Peace P1 class. They were really excited to see how excited you all were to receiving the letters from another class, even though their own did not make it time for this trip. As we passed around the letters, the room became filled with excitement as everyone wanted to share with each other what their new friend had to say. Both classes truly touched each other’s hearts. Thank you Mrs. Brisco, Mrs. Ballard, and Mrs. Ratley for participating in this exchange this year.

CT Walker Magnet School

“Stories become “testaments”, old or new, that choreograph the life of the community.” – Stephen Larson

The students at CT Walker received the completion to the story they began. Their friends in Prince of Peace P5 completed what they started, with a joining of the two cultures and friends miles away in the celebration of a birthday dinner after a day at the pool. The collaboration on this story is part of what makes the story so unique, as well as the joy and universal themes shared. Ethel, Jett was so pleased to receive the responses to his questions and hear more about your family. Liberty, Will could hardly contain himself, and was eager to share your letter with his classmates. They mostly loved seeing you all read their letters out loud to each other, and were very impressed by how well you all are reading English. These two classes are part of a new rising global community, bound in friendship and common pursuit of their hopes and dreams. Stay tuned for the rest of the story, as future chapters are added as these students walk connected paths. Thank you Mrs. Painter and Mrs. Gerardot for starting this story, and enabling all of the children to have their own copies of this original story written collaboratively across the globe.

Riverside Middle School

Two assemblies of multiple classes gathered with joyous anticipation today to see their friends again, and the response to their projects. The middle school students feel nearly silent, with bursts of giggles, and pointing seeing their friends in Ghana. We shared how the beautiful recycled glass beads are made, and other cultural traditions. They were amazed to see all of you pilled in the room mesmerized by the Planet Earth movie. These were among their favorites. A couple of students came up to us after the presentation and shared that their friendship bracelets from the last exchange are framed, or hanging in their rooms which they look at and think of you all each day! Thank you Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Morris, and Mr. McDaniel.