Dear new friend... hello again
Today was filled with letter writing to new friends, and for some of them reconnecting with friendships already begun. We started the day delivering thank you letters from Ms. Crosby’s 2nd grade class at CT Walker in Augusta, Georgia from last school year. As we passed out the individually addressed thank you letters, the students eagerly awaited hearing their names. Some of the Prince of Peace students have moved to other schools, so the new students received these. We again taught proper letter writing format, and for those that were making new connections, to simply address them to their new friends. We were most moved this morning when approached by Magdalene. Magdalene asked, “Can I write my letter to Winston? He is my friend.” Magdalene did not receive an individually addressed thank you letter, but she remembered her friend, and wanted to reconnect with him directly.
Will Gerardot, you were also the highlight for these students! Your very personal letter to Liberty with pictures of you playing soccer, catching a large fish, and with your brother Noah was well received. Liberty shared it with all of the students in the classroom. They love it!
As Ethel was interviewed, she wanted to directly send a greeting to Jett. Ethel stated, “I miss you and I love you very much.” The power of connection… and giving thanks.
We moved from the P5 to P3 classroom to deliver letters from Mrs. Brisco’s 1st graders at Stevens Creek Elementary School in Augusta, Georgia. This also was a reconnection, although Carson you are the only student that connected with them last time. These students were very touched by the letters and worked hard on writing them and drawing pictures. Mable’s messages in her drawing states it all, “We are happy to see you. I love you all. Thank you!” They all wanted to take them home, yet we were 5 shy of there being an equal number. We will return next week for them to complete them and paint their handprints.
From Prince of Peace to R.C. Mixed Primary, the beautiful mural from Oglethorpe Charter School was delivered, as well as the letters and photos. The students loved seeing the class photo and commented on the diversity of the students. They quickly got to work on drafting their letters. Their teacher and the headmaster helped them with corrections. We will reconnect with them again next week for P6 to complete their letters and also to pass the others onto P5. Thank you Mr. Butler and students for all of your hard work and messages of friendship and good will. You gave joy and laughter to a room full of students and teachers today in West Africa!