Poetic Endings

Barnwell Elementary School, Alpharetta, GA

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” -Jean Houston

Laughter will be one of the memories for the exchange between these groups. As this class shared the books they were sending last fall, the entire class burst into laughter. As we shared the video of this to the children at EP Primary, they also shared in the laughter. The kaleidoscope of new possibilities also came from the beautiful poems that this class sent, and the lessons they taught the children in Ghana of new ways to express the beauty of the natural world around them. As the EP poems and drawings were shared, the positive comments swirled in the room. As Ceci shared, she realized that she "can make a difference in this world!"

“They are so talented and creative!”, one student exclaimed. “What I like best about mine is… and … over there her poem is great because…”. Not only were the students thrilled with their own poems, they took equal pride in sharing what was amazing about the others. Thank you Mrs. Stiers and Mrs. Woodman for the generosity of the book drive, and the colorful poems which added new dimensions and possibilities to the learning experiences for the EP students for now and years to come.