All Our Supplies, And No Children To Create With
Still no school...
Although we had heard that there would be no school today we prepared materials and packed our bags just in case. This is what we have done each day since last Thursday in hopes that we will find schools open. So this morning we traveled to EP Primary Ho-Bankoe with all our materials to find the school deserted; no teachers, no children, padlocks locked, and windows shuttered. We are here, with all our supplies, but no children to play with. A few goats and chickens wandered in the shady schoolyard as we sadly looked around. We are told there is a meeting scheduled with the teacher’s organization today. This gives us hope that things will be settled and we will be able to get back to school tomorrow. We will be ready!
While we have been waiting to get back into the schools we have accomplished a few things. We have mostly completed the shopping for CIH goods which are a big fundraiser back home. We have taken the scholarship children to get shoes. We have learned to make a traditional Ghanaian soup and fufu. Today we will pick up the last of Valentine’s fabulous patch bags and take two of the scholarship girls to be measured for new uniforms. And we will keep our fingers crossed, with positive thoughts and prayers that school will be back in session tomorrow…