CIH Spring 2016 Volunteer Team
Who We Are
Connecting Minds and Hearts
We envision a global community, living in harmony and peace, with one another with the earth- beginning with children connecting with children.
Our Mission
To connect children cross-culturally though arts and education, to engender a deepened social consciousness and to create compassionate citizens of the world.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Children Inspiring Hope is both educational and philanthropic to create the opportunity for youth around the globe to:
- CONNECT globally through their creative expressions
- SHARE & EXCHANGE ideas, stories & culture within a global and comparative context
- ILLUMINATE pathways of understanding our shared humanity in our global community
- INSPIRE a deepened social consciousness, compassionate leadership and service
- EXPAND each child’s capacity to identify with, understand and empathize with others
- EMPOWER joyful altruistic social action, holistic thinking, and earth stewardship
- SUPPORT & CONTRIBUTE to projects working to eradicate extreme poverty
- ACHIEVE unity and peace, one person at a time, through a series of friendships
Children Inspiring Hope offers the unique opportunity to bring the word into the classroom through the tangible exchange of artistic projects focused on shared humanity, peace building and earth stewardship. We believe in igniting the creative genius within each child by expressing their innate altruistic nature and empowering them in compassionate action as caregivers to a larger community. Our focus is on creating a more harmonious and sustainable future by investing in the capital of wisdom, joy, and optimism of our children and supporting and encouraging them as they share and build bridges with one another. As these children offer vision of their heart to each other, their work and their vision inspires all who are witness to both the process and end result.
We accomplish our mission by
- Creating unique concept centered learning opportunities that are student driven and bring the world tangibly into the classroom
- Facilitating and bridging cultures with arts and education projects
- Coordinating service projects
- Partnering with other like minded non-profits
- Creating videos and sharing the stories of hope that these children inspire
Our Team
Amy Gaylor Nedriga, Founder & Executive Director
Amy Gaylor is a Clinical Social Worker and Founder of Children Inspiring Hope. She is a passionate child advocate, dynamic facilitator, educator, and leader formerly serving as the Child Advocacy Center Director in Augusta, Georgia and an Executive Committee Board Member for Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia.
Kelvin Delali Abba, Chief of operations in Ghana
Kelvin has been involved with Children Inspiring Hope since 2009. Kelvin is our “Chief” of Operations in Ghana, serving as a trip leader, co-facilitator, coordinator, and translator. The kids LOVE him! Kelvin has also been a manager with Ghana Nature Tours, and traveled extensively through out Ghana, and speaks several languages- English, Ewe, Fante, and Twi.
Erin Andrews, Director of Communications
Erin has been involved with Children Inspiring Hope since 2009. She has traveled to Ghana, as an Ambassador of Hope, three times and believes whole-heartedly in the transformative nature of travel. She is currently a Secondary School Teacher in Ontario, Canada, and she has also spent time teaching internationally in South Korea. Erin believes that the impact of education increases exponentially when learning is supportive, student-driven, and globally-minded.
Jennifer Brown, MA
Jennifer Brown has been involved with Children Inspiring Hope since 2008 as both a teacher, facilitator, and Board President. As an educator for the past 12 years, she is an avid enthusiast of the Project Based Learning model that CIH follows and the opportunities the organization provides to bring the world into the classroom. Accolades include involvement with multiple other non-profits including Girls on the Run and the Epilepsy Foundation of GA. Jennifer has a BBA in Finance from UGA, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Brenau University, and currently serves as Learning Coach at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School.
Whitney Doe
Whitney has served since 2008 and traveled twice to Ghana as a CIH Ambassador of Hope, and twice on other missions. She graduated from Vanderbilt University as an Engage Scholar with a BA in Religious Studies and African American Diaspora Studies. Her career began as a song plugger, assisting Nashville songwriters, before doing industry relations and event coordination for the Country Music Association. She then spent three years working for a successful entertainer, learning the behind the scenes business of a major music brand. Whitney is an Agent and Director of Author Relations at the publishing company The Fedd Agency.
Ghana Facilitators
John Agbozo, Facilitator & Service Projects Support
Dise Okrah, Nurse & Health Advisor
Gershon Donkor, Facilitator & Videographer
Creative team
Emily Mueller, Graphic Design & Branding
Kelli Woody, Video Editor
Steve Chinn, Photography
U.S Facilitators
Laurie Amerson, Georgia & North Carolina
Kathee Camissa, Georgia
Leslie Rosenberg, North Carolina
Debbie Bolon-Fenney, Colorado
Eileen Stone, Georgia
CIH Spring 2016 Volunteer Team